Too many businesses are varying degrees of dysfunctional, that succeed in spite of themselves.

Meetings are ineffective but many. Tons of activity, ounces of productivity. Burning out. Spinning wheels.

Dysfunctional businesses suck. For Everyone. Not just for employees but for leaders and all of their families, customers, investors, partners.

Healthy man trail running in mountains

Healthy businesses on the other hand…are wonderful!

Healthy businesses are in sync and full of laser-focused people. Happier people because they know where they stand, how they’re doing, what’s expected, where they fit. Job satisfaction runs rampant, clients write rave reviews and tell their friends, owners/investors smile.

Our purpose

More happy people via more healthy businesses

We figure we can positively impact upwards of 1,000 people (in a meaningful way) for every 10 businesses we work with. Our way of improving the world, one leadership team at a time.